
2013 Halloween Safety Tips for Michigan Residents

It’s that time again – Halloween. While children (and many adults) enjoy dressing up as their favorite characters or villains and collecting candy, fruit, and other goodies, Halloween is one of the most dangerous holidays of the year. It’s important that parents and children take precautions to make Halloween 2013 a safe, fun holiday.

Here are a few safety tips to help ensure your family stays safe on Thursday:

Keep in mind the dangers aren’t only present once you leave your home. Carving a pumpkin can be particularly dangerous for children. Smaller children should stick to drawing the face, while adults take care of the actual carving. Also, be sure to talk to your children about safety before they go out and about.

Don’t become a pedestrian fatality. According to AAA Michigan, the risk of a pedestrian suffering a fatal accident increases four times on the Halloween holiday. Be sure that both you and your children avoid the streets and stick to walkways; wear costumes that include fluorescent colors, or carry a glow stick or flashlight so motorists can easily see you.

Accompany younger children. Young children should always be accompanied by an adult while trick-or-treating. If teenage children go out on their own, be sure they have a cell phone and watch so they are aware of the time, and can call you or 911 in case of an emergency.

Costumes should be flame retardant. Many people who decorate the exterior of their homes have displays or pumpkins which may have lit candles inside; this increases the risk of a costume coming into close contact catching fire.

Make sure your child’s mask allows for clear visibility. Many masks can make it difficult to see, particularly in regards to peripheral vision. Be sure that your child’s costume (and your own if you dress up) allows for proper vision both straight ahead, and on both sides. Even better, take masks off when walking between houses.

Stick to familiar neighborhoods when trick-or-treating. Given the rate of crime today, many parents stick to familiar neighborhoods when taking the kids trick-or-treating; some even go only to the homes of those they know.

Go through the treats before eating. Any good that are homemade or are not commercially wrapped should be tossed. If anything looks suspicious, don’t eat it! Discourage your children from eating anything given to them without your inspection.

Prevent a potential fire in your home by using LED lights to illuminate pumpkins and other decor. Using candles to light outdoor decorations (and those indoors when sitting in a window close to draperies) can pose a fire hazard. Stick to LED lights to ensure safety.

Grabel & Associates wishes you and your family a happy and safe Halloween in 2013!

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