
Alabama Man Arrested in Nationwide Roundup of ‘Designer Drug’ Dealers

On Wednesday May 10, a Hoover, Alabama man was arrested in connection to distributing a controlled substance, what the DEA called ‘designer drugs’ that are poison and clearly designed for human consumption. 56-year-old Ali Reza Samanifar was arrested at his home and faces three charg es of unlawful distribution of a controlled substance, according to a news article at Al.com. Samanifar’s business was also searched following his arrest after authorities obtained a search warrant to search the A & S Food Mart, Inc.

The DEA is carrying out a nationwide roundup, raiding head shops and convenience stores where the ‘designer’ drugs are being sold. According to the article, the ongoing operation is known as Project Synergy; the Alabama portion of the nationwide sweep has been dubbed “Operation Red Tide.” The substances DEA agents are in search of include eight classes of drugs ranging from hallucinogens to stimulants.

Investigators claim they bought illegal cannabinoids directly from Samanifar at the A & S Food Mart on multiple occasions during the undercover drug buys. Samanifar was arrested approximately one year ago and charged with three counts of unlawful distribution of a controlled substance.

Our drug defense attorneys realize the serious consequences individuals face if convicted on charges of distributing illegal drugs or narcotics. While possession is a serious offense, delivering or distributing cocaine, heroin, marijuana, or ‘designer drugs’ is even more serious. Not only do individuals who are found guilty face severe criminal penalties, their reputations, careers, and lives are impacted as well.

Possessing designer or analogue drugs with the intent to deliver those drugs will leave defendants in Michigan facing up to 15 years in prison and/or fines of up to $250,000 if convicted. It is critical that anyone arrested or accused of possessing or distributing illegal drugs consult with a capable and aggressive defense lawyer immediately in order to have the best chance of avoiding damaging criminal penalties and potential loss of freedom.

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