
Cass County Police Investigating Armed Robbery at Marcellus Gas Station

On New Year’s Day, the Yummies Marathon gas station in Marcellus was robbed by an armed gunman, according to a news article at Mlive.com. Cass County police were investigating the robbery as of early this morning in an effort to capture the gunman, who has been described as a white man who is approximately 220 lbs., 5 foot 8 inches tall, and last seen wearing a dark grey hooded sweatshirt, blue t-shirt, blue jeans, striped grey and black winter hat, and black vest.

The robbery occurred just after 10:30 p.m. on New Year’s night, as the suspect allegedly walked into the station and proceeded to demand cash from the clerk while brandishing a black semi-automatic handgun. The amount of cash he escaped with had not been determined at the time of news reports.

A K-9 tracking dog was brought to the gas station by the Van Buren County Sheriff’s Office, however their efforts to locate the suspect failed. Police were requesting anyone with further information about the robbery or suspect to contact their tip line at 1-800-462-9328.

Armed robbery is a highly serious criminal offense in the state of Michigan. In fact, an individual who is convicted may face up to life in prison, depending on the circumstances. In this case, the suspect is said to have pointed a semi-automatic handgun at the clerk, however, it is not necessary that the offender actually possesses a gun or firearm, but that he/she insinuates the presence of a weapon, such as pointing a finger in a pocket to make the victim believe the offender has a gun or other weapon in his/her possession. At a minimum, anyone found guilty of armed robbery will serve two years in prison.

Whether you have been arrested or charged with armed or unarmed robbery or any theft offense, it is vital to your freedom, reputation, and future that you work with a dedicated and aggressive Michigan criminal defense attorney. Until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, you are innocent. Your defense lawyer will work to protect your innocence, and help you avoid damaging criminal penalties.

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