If you have gotten to this point it has undoubtedly been a tough road. In order to apply for your driver’s license to be restored it means that it was taken away at one point. Most typically it was taken away due to driving under the influence of alcohol or…
Articles Posted in Driver’s License Restoration
Driver’s License Restoration Series: Letters of Reference
If you’re ready to request a hearing to restore your driver’s license, you probably have had some help along the way. Friends, family, and coworkers may have given you rides while you did not have a license, listened as you worked through challenges of staying sober, and believed in you…
Driver’s License Restoration Series: Overview
You lost your driving privileges, but you have been working hard since then to earn the right to drive again. Even though life has been more challenging without a car, you have persevered. You committed to sobriety and created the support systems that will help you stay sober. You have…
Driver’s License Restoration in Michigan
Michigan is the birthplace of the automotive industry. Its cities, townships, and rural areas have been designed with cars in mind. While public transportation does exist in some areas, the system is often limited and disconnected. As a result, getting around without a driver’s license is challenging and time-consuming. It…
Driver’s License Restoration: Eligibility Requirements
In Michigan, we have some of the most severe laws in our country when it comes to the punishment of drivers that have lost their license. Today will be the first in a series of articles that will discuss the topic of Driver’s License Restoration. We will begin by tackling…
Reinstating a Driver’s License in Michigan
An individual’s driver’s license may be revoked due to multiple convictions for driving under the influence (DUI); in some cases, a person’s license may be permanently revoked if that individual has been convicted for DUI repeatedly over a specific time period. Is it possible to get a revoked license back…
Atlanta Motorist Refuses Test, Judge Lifts Driver’s License Suspension
The majority of the time, a person’s driver’s license is suspended due to driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. There are other reasons why someone’s license may be suspended, but this article focuses on drinking and driving. Recently, an article at AJC.com revealed that a judge in Atlanta…
Enrique Iglesias Scheduled to Appear in Court July 10 on Charges of Obstruction, Driving with Suspended License
A recent NBC Miami news article says that singer Enrique Iglesias is scheduled to appear in court on July 10 after he was charged with obstruction and driving on a suspended license on May 6. Iglesias was pulled over by Florida Highway Patrol in Miami-Dade County after he was spotted…
23-year-old Busted in Miami Beach at DUI Checkpoint, Driver’s License Suspended 26 Times
Michigan driver’s license reinstatement attorneys realize that nearly anyone can have his/her driver’s license suspended once or twice – but 26 times, when an individual is only 23 years old? This is exactly what seems to be the case with a South Florida man, who authorities discovered had his license…
Abundance of Caution Sometimes Understandable Regarding Driver’s License Reinstatement
In the state of Michigan, someone who has his/her driver’s license revoked for multiple DUIs or other reasons faces an uphill battle when it comes to getting the license reinstated. Why is it so difficult, and why, in most cases, does someone whose license has been revoked have to go…