
Critical Advice for Michigan Motorists Who Have Had Their Driver’s License Suspended

Michigan driver’s license restoration attorneys realize the dramatic impact not being able to drive has on your daily life. Unfortunately, we also know that on the Internet, there is plenty of misinformation regarding drivers license suspension and the process of having your license restored or reinstated. At Grabel & Associates, we have extensive skill and experience in this area, and know how critical it is to successfully navigate the Michigan Secretary of State’s Driver’s License Appeal Division to have a client’s driving privileges restored.

To be clear, this is not a simple process. Both you, as the client, and the Michigan drivers license reinstatement lawyer you choose to represent you must have a clear understanding of what the hearing officers will expect. This is why it’s vital to have an attorney who will communicate with you and explain what is necessary and the steps that must be taken in order to have the best chance of having your driver’s license restored.

Most individuals licenses are suspended or revoked due to multiple drunk driving offenses; therefore, if you have had two DUI convictions within a seven year time period or three drunk driving convictions within ten years, it will be presumed by the Secretary of State that you have serious issues when it comes to drinking, or are even an alcoholic. Because of this, there are issues which must be addressed in order to have your license restored, which your attorney should work through with you to ensure there are no misunderstandings.

Here is what you must prove:

  • That you have the motivation and ability to operate a motor vehicle safely, and within the law;
  • That any issues you have with the abuse of alcohol or drugs are under control, and will remain under control;
  • That there is minimal risk you will engage in past abusive behavior or drive drunk in the future;
  • You must prove that you have abstained completely from the use of alcohol and/or drugs for a period of at least six months. This being said, abstinence from alcohol/controlled substances for one year typically results in a better chance of having your driving privilege restored.

This is just a portion of what must be accomplished in order to have your driver’s license reinstated. It is also imperative that the application is properly prepared and other requirements satisfied.

As you can see, this is a complex process and one not easily navigated without the support and guidance of a highly experienced Michigan driver’s license reinstatement attorney.

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