
Halloween 2015 Safety Tips for Michigan Residents – Be Safe & Have Fun

Halloween is one of the most fun holidays of the year for children and teens (and even some adults), but it can also be one of the most dangerous occasions. According to Safe Kids Worldwide, Halloween is the one day of the year when children’s’ risk of being struck by a car and killed doubles. As a parent, it’s important to keep your children and yourself as safe as possible so you can enjoy Halloween again next year.

Our unofficial firm mascot, Waldo, dressed in his “Peppy the Pirate” costume.

Whether a child or adult, it’s fun dressing up in costume and trick-or-treating door to door, or attending a Halloween party at someone’s home, a church, or other location. The Michigan State Police reminds everyone to be extra cautious, and to be aware of the potential risks. Here are a few tips for trick-or-treaters:

  • An adult should always accompany children, regardless of their ages
  • When going from door to door, only go to homes that have a porch light on
  • Never go inside a stranger’s home, and accept candy/treats only at the door
  • Trick-or-treat in neighborhoods you are familiar with
  • Don’t trick-or-treat alone, and stay in a group
  • Plan out the route you intend to take, and share it with family members who may be staying behind to hand out candy
  • Carry a flashlight
  • Cross streets only at designated areas such as crosswalks or corners; NEVER cross between parked cars
  • Avoid fields or back alleys as a shortcut, and remain in well-lit areas where plenty of people are around
  • Children should never eat candy before an adult has time to inspect it
  • Do not eat candy that is not securely wrapped or partially open
  • After dark, a light-colored costume or reflective tape will help ensure children and adults are visible to motorists
  • Halloween costumes should be flame retardant, as many people light up jack-o-lanterns with candles or set candles around as decoration

Adults who are on the roadways on Halloween night should be extra precautious as well. Drive extra slow when navigating neighborhoods where children are present, and avoid them altogether when possible. Keep your eyes and your attention on the road, avoiding distractions. Where cars line the street, watch for children who may be darting out from between them. BE ALERT!

Hopefully these Halloween safety tips will ensure you and your family enjoy a safe, fun Halloween 2015.

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