
Lansing Judge Rules Teen Will Stand Trial for Driving on Suspended License and Fleeing Police

An 18-year-old Lansing man will stand trial for allegedly fleeing police and driving on a suspended license, according to news reports. Anthony White, the defendant in the case, was bound over to Ingham County Circuit Court by Lansing District Judge Frank DeLuca on charges of driving on a suspended license and third-degree fleeing police, which is a felony.

It all began on August 14 when White was traveling almost 50 miles per hour near Pine and Willow Streets, where the posted speed limit is 25 miles per hour. A Lansing police officer was patrolling the area when he spotted the speeding vehicle around 1 a.m., then attempted to stop White when he caught up to him near Grand River and Washington avenues. White failed to stop and continued to elude police, who ended the chase in north Lansing because of road conditions and safety issues.

After running the license plate information on the vehicle, police found the vehicle was licensed to an individual living in the 1700 block of Donora Street. They proceeded to the location where they found the vehicle parked, then interviewed several individuals at the residence. Police also found White at the address.

White’s bond was originally set at $25,000 cash surety, however Judge DeLuca lowered it to 10% of $10,000 and ordered that White wear a GPS tethering device, refrain from driving and stay confined to his home, according to court records. He is scheduled for a September 4th arraignment in Circuit Court. News reports stated that if convicted, White may face a $1,000 fine and up to five years in prison.

Driving on a suspended license is serious business; whether the individual in this case knew his license was suspended is not known, but it may have been the reason he was eluding police. Now he possibly faces serious prison time if convicted.

If your driver’s license has been revoked or suspended due to multiple DUIs or for other reasons, it creates a hardship on your day-to-day existence. Getting your license restored is a complicated process that is best approached with the knowledge and guidance of an experienced lawyer. Consult with a skilled Michigan driver’s license restoration attorney today and get your life back on the right track.

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