
Lansing Man Charged with Home Invasion, Other Charges Following Stand Off with Police

On Tuesday May 28, 28-year-old Lewis West was arraigned on numerous felony charges including first-degree home invasion and assault by strangulation after he allegedly broke into a home and then became involved in a stand off with police which lasted several hours, according to a news article at Mlive.com.

West, who went before Lansing District Judge Frank DeLuca on Tuesday, was charged with possession of a firearm by a felon, felony firearm, and two counts of assault with a dangerous weapon in addition to the previously mentioned offenses.

The incident unfolded when a man in the 1100 block of Comfort Street waved down a Lansing police officer who was patrolling the area at approximately 5:40 a.m. The man, who is 17 years old, reported to police that West attacked a woman who was inside a residence after forcing his way into the home. The 17-year-old then attempted to intervene in the altercation, and was physically assaulted by the suspect. According to the news article, both the woman and the 17-year-old were threatened by West with a firearm.

There was also a small child inside the home with the woman; when the young man escaped to flag down police, the woman and child were unable to flee. Upon their arrival, police officers attempted to make verbal contact with those inside the home, but could not get any response. Negotiators and tactical officers were then called to the home at approximately 7 a.m. After nearly three hours, West came out of the home and was arrested without incident according to police.

Judge DeLuca scheduled West’s preliminary exam for June 6; West’s bond was set at $300,000 cash surety.
As Michigan home invasion lawyers are aware, the penalties for individuals convicted of first-degree home invasion are severe, and include fines of up to $5,000 and up to 20 years in prison. Penalties may be even harsher if the individuals has a prior criminal record.

If you have been charged with home invasion or any theft-related offense, contact a talented Michigan criminal defense attorney right away. It is important that action is taken to protect your legal rights and freedom as soon as possible.

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