
Lawton Man Charged with Possession and Driving on Suspended License

On Monday June 17, a 64-year-old man was pulled over by Van Buren police because his license plate was obstructed. The Lawton man was found to be in possession of marijuana and methamphetamine; his driver’s license was also suspended.

The stop occurred in Waverly Township in the 33000 block of County Road 66, near Paw Paw just before 9 in the morning, according to a news release issued by the Van Buren County Sheriff’s Office. The release stated that police found the driver in possession of 0.9 grams of marijuana and 0.4 grams of methamphetamine.

After being arrested and charged with possession and driving with license suspended, the man, who was not named in a news article at Mlive.com, was placed in the Van Buren County Jail.

Michigan drivers license restoration attorneys know that while charges for possessing drugs are serious, driving on a suspended license will bring about negative consequences as well. In fact, individuals who drive on a suspended license may face additional fines and potentially incarceration; at the very least, the length of the initial suspension will be doubled, leaving the individual facing a much longer time period in which he or she cannot legally drive.

Having a drivers license restored when it has been suspended or revoked is not an easy task, and requires the skill of an experienced Michigan drivers license reinstatement lawyer who has successfully handled these types of cases for clients. Regaining your privilege to drive requires going before the DAAD (Driver Assessment and Appeal Division), where you must prove that you are sober and not a risk for drug or alcohol abuse. The process is complex, and one that is not easily accomplished without the help of a capable attorney.

There are also effective defense strategies that may apply in certain situations. Consult with a talented lawyer who focuses on license suspension as part of his or her criminal defense practice.

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