
Michigan Criminal Lawyers Blog


“Raise the Age” Plan could change the Face of Criminal Law in Michigan

Michigan is known as one of the most unforgiving states for those charged with juvenile crimes. Unlike most states, our state charges 17-year-old children as adults when a criminal act is charged. New legislation could provide relief for those that have not reached the age of majority. One of the…


The Witness List

In criminal law, one of the most important aspects of criminal defense is the witness list. The witnesses that testify at trial can be beneficial if the jury connects with their personality. To discuss this in greater detail, we spoke to several of the top criminal defense lawyers in the…


The Press: A Game within the Game in Criminal Law

In Michigan, the field of criminal law presents more considerable obstacles than many other states. The biggest issue that criminal defense lawyers face comes out of the Lockridge decision. In Lockridge, the Michigan Supreme Court ruled that scoring guidelines for criminal defendants were advisory. While that initially appeared to be…


The Federal Arraignment: Setting the Tone in the Highest of Courts

When the word arraignment is discussed in the criminal law community, most feel that this is when the defendant pleads guilty or not guilty. While the previous statement is accurate in state District Courts, the concept becomes more complicated at the federal level. To learn more about this topic, this…

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