
Paw Paw Man Facing Charges of Attempted Murder After Alleged Beating of Estranged Girlfriend

On Friday, 22-year-old Kane D. Reeves of Paw Paw was charged with attempted murder after allegedly beating his estranged girlfriend in what is described as a “vicious” attack. Police claim Reeves threatened to kill the victim, who according to news articles is the mother of Reeves’ three children.

The incident took place on Wednesday October 9. Authorities say the victim suffered extensive injuries to her face, and will need reconstructive surgery. Reeves was charged with a single count each of assault with intent to commit murder and attempt to murder after a warrant was authorized by the Van Buren County Prosecutor’s Office.

Sheriff’s investigators claim that Reeves laid in wait for his estranged girlfriend at her home on Wednesday morning after suspecting that she was engaged in an affair with one of his close friends. The victim arrived at her home at approximately 8:30 a.m., and Reeves then allegedly assaulted her in a way that was described in a news release issued by the sheriff’s office as “immediate and vicious.” One of the victim’s neighbors called deputies after witnessing the victim being chased by Reeves, her face covered in blood.

The victim said that Reeves had told her that she was going to die during the vicious attack. Police said the defendant also suffered damage to his face and head after slamming it repeatedly into the patrol car’s Plexiglas divider.

Michigan assault defense attorneys understand that violence is often the result of rage or jealousy. Unfortunately, if convicted the defendant may face life behind bars, a sad fact considering he is only 22 years of age. While this is absolutely a violent and heinous act, there are situations in which those accused deserve a second chance.

If you or someone you know has been arrested or charged with assault to commit murder or even murder, contact a seasoned and aggressive Michigan criminal defense lawyer immediately. Your legal rights and freedom must be protected; without capable legal counsel, it is likely you will face severe criminal penalties including the possibility of a lifetime behind bars.

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