
Troy Police Pursue Speeding Vehicle; Driver Found to Be Drunk With Four Minor Passengers

On Thursday May 2, Troy police were set up on Interstate 75 near Coolidge when according to news reports a Chevy Malibu went zipping by at 86 mph, 16 mph over the posted speed limit. Police were conducting speed enforcement, and began a chase of the vehicle after tracking its speed.

Shemika Shanee Allen, a 33-year-old Pontiac woman, pulled over after officers pursued her vehicle; however, as the officer approached the vehicle, she allegedly accelerated and sped off back onto the highway. Police pursued Allen for six miles before she was finally stopped by four police vehicles that boxed her in. The incident happened at around 1:30 a.m.

A news article at Mlive.com states that there were 5 passengers in the vehicle with Allen, a 32-year-old man and four children in the back seat of the vehicle who were between the ages of 5 and 13. The breathalyzer test administered to Allen revealed that her blood alcohol level was .17 percent which is almost twice Michigan’s legal limit. She was charged with OWI (operating while intoxicated), her second offense.

Allen was also charged with OWI with a child less than 16 in the vehicle and fleeing/eluding police.
Michigan driver’s license reinstatement lawyers know that individuals who are convicted of a second drunk driving offense face serious penalties which include steep fines, possible jail time, community service and more. However, a second OWI offense may result in the individual’s driver’s license being revoked for up to one year. When a repeat offender’s license is revoked, he or she will have to go through the DLAD (Driver’s License Appeal Division) to have the license reinstated (which isn’t a guarantee) after having reached the eligibility date. This is a complex process which requires the guidance of a skilled lawyer.

If you or a loved one have had your license suspended or revoked, the best possible chance of having your driving privilege restored is by obtaining the services of an experienced Michigan drivers license restoration attorney.

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