
Two Men Face Jury in Connection With Lowell Township Residence Armed Robbery and Home Invasion

Two men, Darell Wayne Boyd and Christopher Lee Warren, are accused of being among a quintet of alleged armed robbers who invaded a home in Lowell Township in May of 2012, ransacking the home after tying up the residents and pistol whipping one of them, according to a news article at Mlive.com.

Both men are now charged with first-degree home invasion and armed robbery in connection with the incident which involved two parents and a child. Five men were said to be involved in the crime, all between the ages of 20 and 31.

According to prosecutors in the case, the family was sleeping when the five suspects broke into the home. The men ordered the family to come into the living room, where they were allegedly tied up and one pistol whipped. The Kent County Sheriff’s Department claims the men made off with cash, an Xbox, computers, jewelry, and marijuana plants which were for medical use. It is believed that 21-year-old Nicholas Green, one of the five men involved in the armed robbery and home invasion, was familiar with the layout of the home prior to the incident, as he knew the family.

The three other men arrested and charged in connection with the crime include Nicholas Green, Darryl Warren, and Termayne Lagrone. All five men are from Grand Rapids. It is believed that Green, who is 21 years old, knew the family who was victimized.

According to news reports, Warren and Boyd are being tried simultaneously in the same courtroom.

Michigan criminal defense lawyers know that armed robbery and home invasion are extremely serious charges which could leave the accused individual facing severe criminal penalties if convicted. First-degree home invasion subjects the defendant to up to 20 years in prison; armed robbery can result in a sentence of life in prison depending on the circumstances.

If you or someone you know has been accused of any serious criminal offense it is critical that you obtain the legal guidance and support of a trusted Michigan criminal defense attorney right away.

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