
United States Supreme Court Legalizes Sports Gambling

In an outcome that shocked many across the country, the United States Supreme Court ruled in a 6-3 decision to strike down the “Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act” which was enacted in 1992. News of the decision was followed by a report with the National Football League (NFL) stating that the United States Legislature wants to enact legislation on legalized sports betting. The state of Michigan has the potential to be impacted greatly by this decision. For further insight on the issue, we turned to experts in the legal community to discuss the issue.

Scott Grabel is the founder of Grabel and Associates and has earned a reputation for having the top criminal defense firm in the state of Michigan. Grabel provided his thoughts when he said, “There has always been an element of sports gambling going on throughout the United States. When we look at events such as the NFL and “March Madness” coupled with the Fantasy Sports craze going on in our country, people will find a way to bet on sports. The “Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act” has led to a lot of criminal prosecutions as was seen in “Operation Slapshot” and other criminal enterprises. This decision is a victory for the individual that wants to bet on sports and not have to worry about obtaining a felony in the process.”

Matthew McManus is the Managing Member of Ann Arbor Legal in Ann Arbor, Michigan. McManus added, “Sports gambling is an issue that has reached the congressional floor many times. With the Supreme Court decision, we see that the states will have the power to regulate sports betting. This provides a tremendous amount of opportunity for the state of Michigan if they choose to take advantage of it.”

Jeremy Tatum is an attorney in Saginaw, Michigan. When asked his thoughts, Tatum said, “For years, especially in poorer communities, we have seen gambling as a way of life. The court system has been clogged with a great deal of frivolous prosecutions. This is a win-win scenario for Michigan because the state can make money and produce jobs without needless prosecution.”

While the United States Supreme Court has turned a lot of heads with the decision, the concept of sports gambling is a hidden issue that has the potential to rival that of medical marijuana. Proponents of cannabis can look the repeal of the “Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act” as a sign that progressive politics may become the wave of the future.

William Amadeo is a partner at the law firm Ann Arbor Legal in Ann Arbor, Michigan and a Senior Associate at Grabel and Associates in Lansing, Michigan. In addition to his legal duties, Amadeo is a staff writer for “The Chronicle News” and is the CEO of BAT Tutoring. Amadeo can be reached at Williamamadeo@Grabellaw.com.

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