
Ypsilanti Man Pleads Guilty to Driving Drunk and Striking Police Officer in Parking Lot

On February 14 of this year, Robert Lamont Addie was charged with numerous counts after allegedly striking a Pittsfield Township police officer in a Burger King parking lot. Addie was charged with two counts of resisting a police officer, assault with a dangerous weapon, third offense operating while intoxicated, and fourth-degree fleeing police. He pleaded guilty to these charges on Thursday May 9.

Because he pleaded guilty, Addie’s status as a habitual offender and one count of assault with intent to commit bodily harm less than murder were dismissed. According to a news article at AnnArbor.com, Addie had been convicted on charges of drunk driving on four different occasions including in 1994, 1999, 2001, and 2006. He is 39 years old.

Addie was driving his vehicle through a drive-thru window at a Burger King parking lot in February when an officer requested that he pull his car into a specific spot. At this time, Addie says that when he went to pull his car over, it sideswiped the police officer. The officer suffered minor injuries after being knocked to the ground.

The altercation began when employees at the Burger King restaurant located at 6190 W. Michigan Avenue called police because of alleged disturbance with employees in the drive-thru window by two men inside a Ford Taurus. Addie was the driver of the vehicle, and according to news reports accelerated at a high rate of speed when asked by officers to park the vehicle. This is when he reportedly sideswiped the police officer. News reports state that officers had told Addie repeatedly to park the vehicle.

After accelerating through the parking lot, Addie reportedly left the scene and was pursued by police for a short time. The chase ended at Saulk Trail Drive; Addie was eventually taken into custody by police after resisting arrest. He was freed on bond, and is scheduled for sentencing on June 13.

Michigan drivers license restoration lawyers know that when an individual has been convicted of operating while intoxicated repeatedly, that individual faces suspension or revocation of his or her license. Penalties for a third offense OWI or DUI include possible probation, up to five years in prison, and driver’s license revocation for 5 or more years among other things.

If your driver’s license has been suspended or revoked it can seriously impact your ability to live a normal life. The process of having your license reinstated is a complex one that requires the skill and experience of a seasoned Michigan drivers license reinstatement attorney.

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