
Ypsilanti’s Wolverine Grill Target of Burglary

On Tuesday, February 19, the Wolverine Grill in downtown Ypsilanti was broken into; a laptop computer and printer were stolen from the popular restaurant. At the time of news reports at AnnArbor.com, police did not know who committed the crime. Sgt. Dennis Szymankiewicz of the Ypsilanti police said that while they did not know who broke into the establishment located in the 200 block of West Michigan Avenue, the two glass doors which enter the business were smashed.

Kevin Hill, owner of the business, said that the burglary came as a surprise, and that it was the first for the Wolverine Grill, which has been in business for nearly half a century. Hill believed that whoever stole the laptop and printer knew what they were after, as the cash register was not bothered (although it had no cash in it at the time). He also reported that there was no damage to the building other than the smashed glass doors. Although he normally takes the laptop home with him in the evenings, Hill said he did not on Monday evening because he knew he would not need it.

Hill reported that he was involved in a conversation with someone just days before the burglary, and that the conversation was in regards to the lack of break-ins on Michigan Avenue recently. Hill said in news reports that it was “ironic” that the break-in would happen to his establishment just days after the conversation. He is a member of both the Downtown Association of Ypsilanti’s board of directors and the Ypsilanti Downtown Development Authority.

Michigan breaking and entering attorneys understand that while breaking into an establishment in itself is a misdemeanor offense, it is what happens afterward that can lead to serious criminal charges. For instance, an individual who breaks and enters with intent to steal money or property may face up to 10 years in prison if convicted. Penalties may be more severe depending on whether the individual who allegedly committed the crime has a prior criminal record.

It is recommended that anyone who has been arrested for or charged with burglary or breaking and entering consult with an experienced Michigan criminal defense lawyer at once. It is important that you seek the guidance of a skilled attorney who will work vigorously to protect you from harsh criminal penalties.

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