Original Case Details
The United States Supreme Court has recently heard arguments regarding the case of United States v. Sineneng-Smith. Evelyn Sineneng-Smith challenged a law that makes it illegal to encourage or aid in someone’s illegal immigration. Ms. Sineneng-Smith was convicted under this law of bringing people to the United States under the false pretense that they were eligible for the “Labor Certification” program even though this program had expired in 2001. Ms. Sineneng-Smith operated an immigration consulting firm that worked to help immigrants obtain work permits and green cards. Ms. Sineneng-Smith was accused of telling her clients this information incorrectly and inducing them to come to the United States from 2001-2008. She submitted applications with this false information, and as a part of this case, was also convicted of mail fraud for her activities. A recent United States Court of Appeals ruling in the Ninth Circuit has stated that this law infringes on freedom of speech as it is too broad. Ms. Sineneng-Smith seeks to have the wording of this law changed which would change its current application.