Many individuals earn a living by driving, such as truck drivers, UPS and FedEx drivers, individuals who provide transportation services for the elderly, cab drivers, etc. For those people, losing the privilege to drive can mean the end of their careers. As Michigan driver’s license restoration attorneys, we understand the devastating impact this can have on an individual’s life and future.
Individuals who operate commercial motor vehicles and who are convicted of certain traffic violations are generally subject to harsher penalties than those who operate non-commercial vehicles.
Some of the traffic violations that may result in the suspension of your CDL include driving at speeds of more than 15 mph over the posted limit, improper or erratic change or use of lanes, careless driving, following too closely or being at fault in an accident that results in a fatality. Drivers who are arrested and subsequently convicted on these offenses will face a license suspension for 60 days if there have been two violations within a 3 year period in separate incidents. However, if there have been three or more violations within a 3 year time period which occurred in separate incidents, your CDL will be suspended for 120 days.
Other violations are even more serious, and can result in suspension of your CDL for 3 years if your work involves transporting hazardous materials. Otherwise, a first violation for operating under the influence, fleeing or eluding police, leaving the scene of an accident you were involved in, manslaughter, or the commission of a felony while operating a commercial motor vehicle will result in a one year suspension. Commit two of these violations in separate incidents, and your CDL is revoked for at least 10 years.
Michigan driver’s license reinstatement lawyers know that it is imperative that individuals who depend on a CDL for income take great measures to protect their driving privileges. This includes a regular operator’s license, as if this license is suspended, the CDL license will be suspended as well. However, suspension of a CDL license does not mean your operator’s license will be suspended.
When you are facing possible loss of your livelihood, it is critical that you seek the guidance of a capable and experienced Michigan driver’s license restoration attorney with a proven track record for exceptional results.