Michigan Driver’s License Restoration Lawyers Work on Behalf of Those Convicted on Charges of DUI

Individuals convicted on charges of driving under the influence or OUI, OUIL or OUID in the state of Michigan face serious and even life-changing consequences. Not only may you be subjected to jail time, steep fines and a permanent criminal record, you may have your driver’s license suspended or revoked. Until this happens, most individuals do not realize how seriously it impacts their lives. Having the right to drive is essential to life. Driving to and from work, to doctor appointments, to buy groceries, even shuttling the kids around; when you can no longer drive, it can be devastating to your life.

Michigan driver’s license restoration lawyers work on behalf of those who have had their license suspended or revoked following a DUI conviction. Why do you need an attorney to have your license reinstated? It isn’t as simple as you might think – in fact, the process can be quite difficult and complex.

Ultimately, individuals who have had their driver’s license revoked usually have only one opportunity each year to file a driver’s license restoration petition. Get it wrong, and you will likely face being without your license for another year. Regardless of whether your license has been suspended or revoked following a second or even third DUI conviction, you need an attorney who is skilled, experienced and knowledgeable in the process of having it restored.

What will a dedicated Michigan driver’s license restoration attorney do on your behalf to ensure you will reclaim your right to drive? Your lawyer should first prepare you for your DAAD (Driver Assessment and Appeal Division) hearing, consult with you regarding what will need to be proven at this hearing, and assist you in obtaining effective letters of reference for submission at the hearing. It’s important that the letters of reference submitted come from reliable sources, such as co-workers, sobriety sponsors, family members or others who are respected in your community. Without capable legal counsel, most individuals have no idea how to proceed or what is necessary to have their license reinstated.

If your license has been revoked or suspended due to a conviction for driving under the influence, don’t assume that there is nothing that can be done to rectify the situation. Consult with a qualified Michigan driver’s license restoration lawyer who will work diligently to help you have your license restored and put your life back on a positive track.

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