Michigan State Police collected statistics for drunk driving charges and arrests for 2014, and there are some very interesting facts according to a recent article at Mlive.com. Michigan’s 2014 Drunk Driving Audit confirmed that just over 35,000 individuals in the state were convicted on DUI charges in 2014. What else did we learn?
Over the last decade, arrests and convictions have dropped by 35% across the state. Does this mean fewer people are driving while under the influence? Not necessarily – people are driving less. Annual reports indicate that over the past ten years, vehicle miles driven have also dropped by about 30%. Another factor for the reduction in DUI arrests and convictions is that there are fewer traffic stops because of a smaller police force, resulting in fewer road patrols.
The good news is that over the last decade, impaired driving resulting in injury has dropped by 30%, while the number of deaths attributed to accidents caused by drunk drivers has dropped by 19%.