Original Case Details
Former Jackson County resident Dawn Dixon-Bey was convicted of second-degree murder for the stabbing death of her then-boyfriend, Gregory Stack. Dixon-Bey was found guilty by a jury in front of Jackson County Circuit Court Judge John McBain. She stabbed her boyfriend in the heart twice but claimed self-defense when she testified at trial. The Jackson County Prosecutor’s Office said that the act was premeditated because the boyfriend was laying on the couch when he was stabbed. Judge McBain viewed the crime as first degree murder, and his sentence of Dixon-Bey was intended to show that. McBain sentenced Dixon-Bey to 35-70 years, a sentenced which far exceeded the Michigan Sentencing Guidelines. The defense appealed the sentence, winning a Michigan Court of Appeals decision 2-1 in favor of resentencing Dixon-Bey. The Michigan Supreme Court declined to hear the case, so it went back before Judge McBain for resentencing.