On Christmas Eve, 35-year-old Bridget Pollack, a social studies teacher at a high school in the Mahanoy Area School District, was charged with DUI, resisting arrest, driving without a valid license, and having an open container in her vehicle, according to a news article at Wnep.com.
Mahanoy City police claim in court papers that on Wednesday evening, Pollack crashed her SUV into a light pole, which resulted in the pole falling onto a home; live wires were exposed on the pole. Pollack allegedly drove away from the scene of the crash, however a witness to the incident pursued the vehicle and Pollack drove onto another street, where she pulled over on the sidewalk and stopped. This is where police found her.
When police questioned the teacher about whether she had been drinking, she reportedly replied, “I’m drunk. I’ve been drinking all day.” She then asked police if they could just let her go, because of the fact that she was a teacher and would likely lose her job. Police claim to have found a bottle of wine that was open in the SUV Pollack was driving. Her driver’s license had been expired for nearly two years.